Healthy Business Travel

Whole30 to Whole90: Day 2

It’s 5:30AM. Early morning on the start of Day 2. I had six hours of deep, solid sleep and I feel like a champ. I mentioned yesterday that one of the things I LOVE about Whole30 is the quality of sleep. Maybe it’s sleeping without alcohol in my system. Or going to bed at a reasonable hour. But I feel great this morning.

Yesterday on Day 1, I began the day with some serious apprehensions. Would I be able to do it? Would I be able to handle it, when the buzz of newness fades and I’m faced with temptation? Will I be able to stay consistent?

I want to shout a resounding “Yes!” To all of the above, but frankly, I’m not sure. But I’ve learned that you have to take each day as it is, one day at a time. One meal at a time. One moment at a time.

It’s 6:00AM today I have no plan for my meals. I’m home today. So aside from making eggs and sausage (checking the label for no sugar), I’m not sure. So this is a good test.

Melissa Hartwig, co-author of Whole30, emphasizes the importance of planning. Planning your meals. Doing the meal prep. Always being prepared. But for people like me, those who travel often for work and who have to be at business dinners and events, planning can be a challenge. I prefer instead to know what to do in the moment, or decide between the better of the options presented.

I published my intention for my meals on Day 1. (You can see it here.) The reality was a second bowl of beef-cabbage soup (which didn’t fill me up with just one), a banana and raw cashews at 3PM for a snack, and my steak dinner at an event.

Delicious filet. Yes, this is diet food. Because I didn’t know what went into the mashed potatoes, I only took a “No thank you” bite. And I doubled my green beans by eating those of a person at my table when offered – he didn’t like them.

My days on Whole30 to Whole90 (the HBT Plan) look like this when I’m traveling for business: