
The wonderful man who had my job before me died on a business trip. While covering an industry conference in San Diego, he wasn’t feeling well, went up to his hotel room and was found a few hours later on the bathroom floor. Jim Smith became a martyr to his industry, a victim of poor health exacerbated by the business travel required to do the job he loved.

Like Jim, my travel schedule is also a busy one. From airports to hotels to conferences and meetings — from breakfasts to buffets to dinners and drinks — the so-called glamorous life of a business traveler isn’t always so healthy.

I’d like to change that.

Three years from that day, on the anniversary of his death (February 17, 2016), I launched Healthy Business Travel, found at healthybiztravel.com and on your favorite social network. HBT is devoted to providing information and inspiration to help frequent business travelers maintain their health and balance while out of the office.

You are your company’s greatest asset — otherwise they wouldn’t send you out on the road to do what you do. My goal is to help you arrive home with more energy and success than you had when you left for the airport.

If you see something here that might help someone else out there, I encourage you to share it with them. And if there’s a topic you’d like to see us cover, let me know.

I look forward to our paths crossing at some point, but until then, cheers to your health!


Another day at the office.